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Help with a reservation

If you need to cancel a reservation, update a reservation, or understand how payments work, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll help you navigate any cancellations or alterations, and explain what happens when changes are made.

Changing or canceling plans

Plans change, and that’s OK. You’ll first need to make sure you’re logged in to your Airbnb account. Then head to Trips and select the reservation (for a stay or Experience) you need to modify. You’ll find links to change or cancel—follow the steps and you’ll be guided through the process. If you have an emergency or unavoidable circumstance, check our Extenuating Circumstances Policy for all the details.

Find reservation details in the Wehome app or web

  1. Tap/click Trips  and select your reservation
  2. Tap the reservation you want to check
  3. Find all your booking information

Trying to find your confirmation code? Follow the steps above and you’ll find the code under Reservation details.

Do you need to cancel your reservation due to changes in travel plans? Don’t worry. You can cancel or modify your booking from the travel page.

How to cancel a reservation:

  1. Press or click on ‘Trips‘, then select the reservation you want to cancel.
  2. Choose ‘Cancel reservation’ found below the reservation details.
  3. Write down your reason for cancellation to inform the host.

Check the refund policy for confirmed reservations

The refund amount may vary depending on the property’s refund policy when you cancel a reservation. You can find the property’s refund policy in your reservation details.

Cancellation deadlines and refunds

The times and dates displayed in the refund policy are based on the local time zone where the property is located. The deadline for eligible cancellations is based on the property’s check-in time (local time zone). If the check-in time is not specified, it is considered to be 3 PM.

If you encounter issues during your stay, you can ask your host to resolve the problem, request a partial refund, or ask to cancel the reservation and receive a full refund. It’s important to submit your request within 24 hours after noticing the problem. If the host refuses or does not respond, guests can request mediation from Wehome.

Wehome over Airbnb:
Airbnb does not refund service fees. However, Wehome does refund the service fee. The refund of the service fee is in accordance with the accommodation fee refund rate. If the cancellation policy allows for a 100% refund, the service fee is also 100% refunded.

If you need to change the dates of your stay, the number of guests, or any other details, you can send a reservation change request to your host to modify your confirmed booking.

Changes will only be made if the host agrees to your request. If the host does not accept the change request, you may send them a message asking them to reconsider your request for modification.

Once you and the host have agreed on the reservation changes, please inform Wehome so that we can update your reservation. If there is a change in the cost of the accommodation due to the reservation change, any necessary refunds or additional payments will be processed accordingly.

If you need to cancel your reservation because of an emergency or unavoidable circumstance, we can help:

Contact us to file a claim, and we’ll walk you through the next steps, which will include submitting any required documentation and waiting for our team to review your case

Important: Claims must be submitted within 14 days of cancellation.

While it’s rare, sometimes a Host may need to cancel a reservation. We understand this can impact your plans in a big way. Rest assured, if your Host cancels your reservation before check-in, you’ll receive a full refund.

What to do if your Host asks you to cancel

If your Host lets you know that they can’t accommodate your stay anymore, don’t cancel for them. Instead, send them a message asking them to cancel. That way, you’ll be eligible to receive a full refund.

What happens if your Host cancels your reservation

If your Host cancels your reservation before check-in, you’ll receive a full refund. If check-in is within 30 days, we’ll help you rebook a similar place to stay, depending on availability at comparable pricing.

Paying on Wehome

You’re ready to book, but need to pay. The good news is we support different payment methods—it just depends on the country your payment account is located in. In addition to major credit and debit cards, certain payment options (like Google Pay or Apple Pay) are available in specific countries. You’ll be able to tell which payment methods are accepted on the checkout page before booking. In most cases, your payment method will be charged as soon as your reservation is confirmed.

If you do need to cancel, any refund will be based on the Host’s cancellation policy, so be sure to check the details before you book to make sure it works for you.

Wehome supports different payment methods, depending on the country your payment account is located in.

We support bank wiring and kakao payment in addition credit card payment in Korea. Currently, we support only international credit cards for guests from outside of Korea.


You pay whole amount at the time of booking. If the reservation is not accepted, all payments will be refunded.

When you  make a reservation, you should pay whole amount including security deposit that will be refund after you checked out when there is no relevant claim from the Host.

No matter how far in advance you book, the Host doesn’t receive payment until 24 hours after your scheduled check-in. This gives both of you time to make sure everything is as expected.

If there are no issues during the stay, a full security deposit refund will be issued on the second Thursday after checkout.”

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